Caring Heart Home HealthCare, LLC
PCA Services
PCA Services
Client Frequently Asked
Questions About PCA Services
What are PCA services?
PCA Services or Personal Care Assistant services are a type of non-medical Home Care Service that helps people with activities that may be difficult due to their special health care needs. PCAs help people with dressing, bathing, grooming, and with getting you to and from the doctor's office or church.
How much do services costs?
PCA services are free for most people on Medical Assistance.
Do you accept private pay?
We accept private pay for Homemaking Services but we do not accept private pay for PCA Services. You will need to apply for Medical Assistance.
Do I qualify for PCA services?
In order to qualify to receive PCA services you need to be eligible for Medical Assistance or MinnesotaCare (pregnant women and children under age 21) and have a need for services. Meaning you need help with your daily activities such as bathing, grooming, dressing, or participating in the community because of special health care needs including behaviors.
Do you work with children?
Yes we work with people of all ages.
Can I qualify for medical assistance?
The best way to tell if you qualify for medical assistance is to contact your county human services department. There are income and asset guidelines, but even if you have too much income you may still qualify after paying a copayment.
How many hours of service will I get?
It is difficult to tell how many PCA hours any one personal will receive. It all depends on your needs as determined at the PCA assessment.
How do I get a PCA assessment?
Contact our agency so we may determine your program eligibility and gather information. We will then give you the contact information for the county you live in to request for a PCA assessment to be completed.
How long does the county have to do a PCA assessment?
After you call your county PCA intake line they have 30 days to conduct the assessment but quite often an assessment is done before 30 days.
What will happen at the PCA assessment?
At the PCA assessment a nurse will ask you a number of questions to determine your needs. We developed "Your PCA Assessment" to outline and help with the process.
My PCA hours were cut, what can I do?
If your PCA hours were reduced or eliminated or if you feel that you did not get a fair assessment you have the right to a PCA Appeal.
My PCA hours were cut, what will happen now?
If your PCA hours are reduced state law requires them to be continued at the level prior to the reduction for 30 days of the new service authorization.
Can my PCA come with me to doctor’s appointments?
Your PCA can come with you to doctor appointments and can even help you make them if necessary.
Do I have to use my PCA hours every day?
No, you will be assessed for a daily amount of PCA hours, but you can use them flexibly as necessary. For example, you may choose to get help just two or three days per week; or if you are a parent you may choose to use a greater of number of hours during the summer but less during the school year. If the client is a restricted recipient their flexible use of their hours may not be allowed and will need to be used daily and each month they will get a new set of hours.
Employee Frequently Asked
Questions About PCA Services
What are the training requirements for being a PCA?
Before being enrolled as a PCA worker, you must take and pass standardized PCA training and an exam. There is also an option to test out of the exam if you have previous experience in the field.
I have been helping a friend or family member for a long time without being paid. How can I be their PCA?
Have your friend or family member give us a call with their name and birth date. If they are eligible we will refer you to the PCA intake office of the county they live in and then hire you to be their PCA. When the county completes the assessment (typically after 30 days) you will be able to start working the number of hours the county determines. Contact us to get started.
Can I get paid to care for a Family Member?
In Minnesota you can be paid to care for a family member with a few limited exceptions for spouses and minor children that are discussed below. Give us a call with the name and birth date of your family member. If they are eligible we will refer you to the PCA intake office of the county they live in and then hire you to be their PCA. When the county completes the assessment (typically after 30 days) you will be able to start working the number of hours the county determines. Contact us to get started.
How difficult is the PCA examination?
If you take the training modules the test is relatively simple. The test is a 25 question multiple choice examination and you have to get 20 questions correct to pass. You can take the test as many times as you need to in order to pass without a penalty. You can find a link to the PCA test and examination on the employees page of our website.
Can I be the PCA for my minor child?
Generally, parents and step parents CANNOT be the PCA for their minor children. Parents CAN be the PCA for their children who are over 18, and there are limited exceptions to the general rules. Programs that allow parents and step parents to be the PCA for their minor children are the Consumer Directed Community Supports Service; the Family Support Grant and the Consumer Support Grant.
Can I be the PCA for my spouse?
Generally, you CANNOT be the PCA for your spouse. There are limited exceptions to the general rules. Programs that allow spouses to be the PCA for their wife or husband are the Consumer Directed Community Supports Service; the Family Support Grant and the Consumer Support Grant.
Do you have direct deposit?
Yes, we do offer direct deposit.
What are your pay periods?
We pay every other week. Typically, Thursday is our PAY DAY unless it falls on a holiday.
I was disqualified during the background study, what can I do?
If you are disqualified to work as a PCA you will have an opportunity to appeal the disqualification. We have prepared the "Sample Request For Reconsideration of Disqualification" to help potential employees prepare and appeal. If you are still unsure about what to do contact us.
How do I turn in my timesheets?
Hours are now logged using Electronic Visit Verification (EVV) via the Pavillio app.
How much do you pay?
Our pay rates vary based upon a number of factors. We consider your experience, and the number of hours the client you are working with receives among other factors when making an offer regarding compensation. We strive to pay the highest wage possible and to be fair.